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  • Half a terms notice must be given and an equal payment in Lieu must be given if you wish to cancel your child’s classes.

  • Children should arrive for their lesson promptly and wearing the correct uniform with their hair tied back.

  • At Arts in Motion we do not take responsibility for any lost or stolen items. Please ensure that your child’s uniform is correctly named so that it can be returned to you if left behind at the hall.

  • GDPR replaces the previous data protection and comes into effect on the 25th May 2018. GDPR states that personal data should be processed fairly & lawfully and collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. Individuals data is not processed without their knowledge and is only processed with their consent. The individual has the right to know what information is held about them. At Arts in Motion we do not disclose or sell personal data to third parties or any other members of Arts in Motion. Contact numbers and emails are used for updates, newsletters, invoices and general information. Personal data is stored in a locked password protected database whilst paper data is stored in a secured filing cabinet. Hard copy information is shredded after the relevant period. The information held on individual children is used in weekly registers, medication forms, student database and examination documents. The information includes child’s name, date of birth, age, medical information, address, emergency contact details, parents name and email address. Photographs/video clips are stored in photo albums, Facebook page and on the website, no names are stored with the images.

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